to examine ourselves, to look at who we are and where we came from objectivley, that can be a very hard thing to do.
Talking about your spiritual abuse is like reliving it. Reliving this abuse is what you fear.
i am having a really tough time with fear.
mine is one of the stories on bill bowen's silentlambs site.
i have survived more than 14 years of abuse, left the "borg", married a man that is amazingly supportive and not a jw, sought counseling and recovery, given birth to a newborn baby boy ...... every one of which has required courage and intestinal fortitude.
to examine ourselves, to look at who we are and where we came from objectivley, that can be a very hard thing to do.
Talking about your spiritual abuse is like reliving it. Reliving this abuse is what you fear.
following on from the anybody else had visions?
thread below (
i have offered a prize of 50 american dollars or the equivalent in your currency of choice for whoever can guess (or envision or whatever) the contents of a picture i have chosen.. i will be emailing the picture, in password zip format to [email protected] along with unambiguous details of what qualifies as a correct guess.
Ever seen a hypnotist hypnotise one of your friends into beleiving he is rikki martin? Phenomena such as hypnotism show there is alot of mystery about the human brain. I already know we use 100% of our brain and that the 10% is an urban legend, but the fact is we do no understand it all. The brain is very porrly understood. We can't even replicate the brain power of a cockaroach as of yet, although we are close. We understand in general which side of the brain generally controls certain body functions, and which areas are generally responsible for what. But like I said, there is a lot of mystery.
As for forgetting things all the time, I dont know about you but if presentrd with a day I had, perhaps it was filmed, when I was like 5 years old, Ill remember everything all over again. All I needed was a reminder. I Went back to south america when i was about 14, and I suddenyl a flash of memories came flooding back to me. I hadnt visited colombia since I was 4 years old.
I really dont think we forget much of anything. i think it's all there, but some things are harder to retrieve than others, and it gets harder as you age. Under hypnotism you can remember remarkable details about past experiences you never knew were in you.
i thought it would be interesting for people to just post a few things about themselves so we can get to know each other just a bit.. try posting 10 facts about your life.. joel.
1. i was born and raised in south georgia.. 2. my favorite subject in school was math.. 3. i was in the fulltime service (bethel and pioneer) for 4 years.. 4. my favorite color is blue.. 5. mitch and i have been together over 12 years.. 6. we live in a suburb of atlanta georgia.. 7. we love to eat out and have friends over for dinner and board games.. 8. the only sport i was ever any good at is tennis.. 9. my favorite tv show of all time is the simpsons.. 10. we are both naturists and wish we could lay on the beach naked every day.
Andi that';s what I believe makes the relationship so great is that she is my absolute best friend in the world and I am hers. Although neither one of us mind if the other were to go out with friends, we never do. There isn't anyone that I would rather just hang out with than Jen. She makes me a better person.
Slayer, you ever watch OUTER LIMITS??
In one cool episode there is this married couple, and they sooo happy. But the husband keeps seeing things out the sides of his eyes, his wife walks by and he swears he saw green tentacles. Things like happen and happen and eventually one horrible day he is having sex with her and he sees a grotesque, green and brown ozzing monstrosity that STUNK and had like 30 tentacles and giant teeth and warts. He runs out screaming but then his wife comes back and asks whats wrong..he shakes it off that he must be going crazy..eventually he kills himself over the stress of this happening so much.
It turns out hius wife was an alien who took on a pleasing female form and took a husban. 'she' created the illusion of a hot female bod through some sort of hallucination/hypnotism but it wore off on her ex husband.
So would you love her even if she were a horrible smeely alien from another dimension??? Every relationship faces this deilmma at some point.
i thought it would be interesting for people to just post a few things about themselves so we can get to know each other just a bit.. try posting 10 facts about your life.. joel.
1. i was born and raised in south georgia.. 2. my favorite subject in school was math.. 3. i was in the fulltime service (bethel and pioneer) for 4 years.. 4. my favorite color is blue.. 5. mitch and i have been together over 12 years.. 6. we live in a suburb of atlanta georgia.. 7. we love to eat out and have friends over for dinner and board games.. 8. the only sport i was ever any good at is tennis.. 9. my favorite tv show of all time is the simpsons.. 10. we are both naturists and wish we could lay on the beach naked every day.
I don't feel that drugs should be illegal. I have several opinions as to why, but too many to list here.
Why is there so much opposition to it when it will win the 'unwinnable' war on drugs? There will ALWAYS be demand. Making it legal would put in the hands of responsible agencies like food and drug administration of USA and make terrorist factions funded by drug money go bankrupt, like colombia.
i always wondered why life needs to reproduce at all costs.
even viruses reproduce by invading cells.
i think i've stated this before, but fire is almost life isn't it?
I always wondered why life needs to reproduce at all costs. Even viruses reproduce by invading cells. I think I've stated this before, but fire is almost life isn't it? It grows, eats, breaths, reproduces.
Here is a definition of life I think is kind of arrogant and I diasgree with:
Life Is Cells
People like to say, as if it were obvious, that life is hard to define. This is simply not so. Life has properties that clearly distinguish it from everything else. Every living thing is cellular. In other words, it is either a single-celled creature or a creature composed of biological cells. Every cell is bounded by its own outer membrane and contains a full set of instructions necessary for its operation and reproduction. Furthermore, every cell uses the same operating system: "DNA makes RNA makes protein." DNA is a long complex molecule that contains the cell's instructions. It is transcribed into RNA, another long complex molecule similar to DNA; and then the RNA transcript is translated into protein. There are hundreds of billions of different proteins used by living things (3), but all of them are made from the same twenty amino acids, the "building blocks of life."
It seems to me that all OBSERVABLE life is cellular, and it seems that even cells are composed of smaller 'life' This same definition discounts viruses as life, but I disagree.
Viruses and prions are not alive. Viruses and prions lie on the fringe of life. Viruses contain instructions encoded in DNA or RNA. (Prions don't.) Both are reproduced. Viruses certainly and prions probably can evolve. But neither can reproduce itself; a virus or prion needs the machinery of a living cell to carry out its reproduction. Without a cell, each is merely an inert, complicated particle which does nothing. Do viruses and prions make it hard to define life? No, just as trailers don't make it hard to define motor vehicle traffic. We know what motor vehicle traffic is. And we know what life is.
Remember that metorite found in antartica with possible fossils of bacteria? The work was dismissed because the fossils would indicate bacteria much too small to be life 'as we know it' Remember that song star trekkin'? In it Mr. Spock from star trek says 'It's life jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it Jim'
The problem I guess is that therese seems to be no universally accepted definition of what exactly'life' is. The deeper problem is that life on Earth -- in Spock's words, "Life As We Know It" is the only life we know -- we can't say diddley nothing about what life might be like elsewhere in the Universe. We can't assume that extrateresrtial life is constructed along the same lines as earthly life.
For example, we can't assume that aliens carry their genetic information around as DNA, or perform the kinds of metabolic processes we see in, say, bacteria or peguins.
I disagree with the above definition of life cuz we must avoid pinning life to terrestrial peculiarities, such as the presence of DNA as a genetic material, or even terrestrial life's foundation on the chemistry of carbon in liquid water. I posted earlier about how life can also be silicon-based or nitrogen based. We're carbon based cuz the temperature on earth dosen't boil liquid away. That we are based on carbon explains our need of water and liquids to live.
so like, maybe life redproducing at all costs is how life on earth behaves and not elsewhere? Is reproduction a nessecity of life? In a broader scale, is death nessecary for life? Do living things need to die in order to weed out the weak and leave only the fittest, thereby ensuring long-term survival? If life didn't really ever die, would it be impossible for it to evolve and thereby become something better?
If death is a constant necesity of life, then is a reproduction a by-product of that reality, since the organism dies, it needs to replenish itself? Is our life and death simply a grander scale of what goes on daily in our bodies as cells reproduce and die?
I've heard that a language can almost be considered alive, or even computer code. Maye we won't get a good idea of what exactly life is until we meet extraterrestials and have something to compare our observed life to.
-Dan the carbon-based bipedal binnocular-visioned ominviorous sentient corporeal lifeform.
please read it all, i know it's a bit long, but you need to read it all to see where i am coming from.
i beleive in creation in the sense that the big bang and spontaneous generation don't make logical sense to me.
i am sure funkyderek and jan will have some fun with me on this one.
Dan - Honey, I understand your viewpoints, but I still don't buy it, sorry. I can argue and you can argue until we are blue in the face, it still does not prove a damn thing. This is why I am glad I have the freedom to believe as I chose.
Heretict! You shall be horribly tortured via such cruel methods as the WHEEL (i dunno if you want me to get into this method of torture..its very very sickening..ill just post an old wood carving) or the rack, perhaps the water torture where i fill your stomach with water until it bursts? All because you do not beleive what I beleive. That is the difference between science and religion.
Quite a messy method of execution, though, because of the sensations you realize before you decease allowing you to realize the errors of your herecy against the church, a popular one. You will be staked to the ground, unable to move, with a device much like a spit placed over you. In the center of your belly, we make a small incision. By small, this of course means only large enough for the hand of your executioner to reach in and grab your intestines. This must be done carefully, so as not to destroy any organs which might cause your death to be premature. Once in hand, a small portion of your entrails will be hooked to the rotating pole, which is then slowly turned until all of your viscera are wrapped about its length.
We must inform you, that the feeling of your body being hollowed of its life bearing oragans and tissue is quite horrific, and you will live through most of this process.
the wheel
"The victim is transformed into a sort of huge screaming puppet writhing in rivulets of blood, a puppet with four tentacles, like a sea monster, of raw, slimy and shapeless flesh mixed up with splinters of smashed bones."
-Newsletter, Hamburg, 12th June 1607
i once gave a public talk and part of the information was dicussing did god have a begining.. i didn't find much concrete evidence in the bible for god not having a begining except scriptures that said he was from time indefinate.. which doesn't answer the question.. also when it says he made the heavens and the earth could this just mean the sky and earth ?.
i don't know hebrew so could someone help me there?.
anyway what about this scripture isaiah 43:10 .
All forms of life has a beginning and end, even stars. What does not have a beginning and end is life itself it seems, it could be a universal constant like physics.
please read it all, i know it's a bit long, but you need to read it all to see where i am coming from.
i beleive in creation in the sense that the big bang and spontaneous generation don't make logical sense to me.
i am sure funkyderek and jan will have some fun with me on this one.
moe, isn't it highly interesting that life, with the exception of insects and bacteria/viruses (if viruses are indeed life) have two eyes, two ears, 4 limbs, 5 digits on each appendage with a 'claw' on each, and an extremley similair skeletal structure, skull, backbone, ribs, pelvis, etc. Also, humans have a quadraped spine, that's why it's on our back. An ideal biped spine would be in the center of our bodies, supporting our necks and upper body much better and allowing much greater flexability and protecting the highly vulnerable spine better. If you look at the greater picture, mammals are a dominant lifeform because the earth's temperature is no longer a constant sunny place. (palm trees in the north pole) Dinosaurs were at one time dominant proably because as reptiles, they didn't need to generate their own body heat. In fact, reptiles are much more effecient at using energy from food to nurture their bodies. Being a mammal is wasteful, we waste a huge percentage of our food energy for generating heat. Once the earth became cold and had winters, the dinosaurs likley died off because of this, leaving the small mammals who could generate heat as the dominant species. Small rodents and the like.
We have a tail bone, but no tail anymore. Our DNA contains remnats of code once used when we were something else, but now useless. With such similair charactaristsics among mammals and fish and other life, it's not that far of a stretch to go from fish to mammal. Mammals became 'fish' didnt they. Look at the remarkable giraffe. It was once short-necked, and now its got a big-ass neck complete with specialized blood pumping system to help blood reach it's brain just so it can eat some leaves. Or turtles. Evolution does remarkable things.
Look at australia, a continent isolated from the rest of the world's evolutionary process. They have marsupial koalas, and kangaroos. Vastly different animals, yet related by a common ancestor marsupial. Look at the frigin' duck billed platypus! What a freak. It evolved a body similair to a beaver to aid it in water, and also a bill like a duck to aid it in eating the same sort of foods ducks eat. He even lays eggs! That's unheard of in mammals. Clearly, life when left alone for a long long time, will evolve and diverge from common ansestors.
i thought it would be interesting for people to just post a few things about themselves so we can get to know each other just a bit.. try posting 10 facts about your life.. joel.
1. i was born and raised in south georgia.. 2. my favorite subject in school was math.. 3. i was in the fulltime service (bethel and pioneer) for 4 years.. 4. my favorite color is blue.. 5. mitch and i have been together over 12 years.. 6. we live in a suburb of atlanta georgia.. 7. we love to eat out and have friends over for dinner and board games.. 8. the only sport i was ever any good at is tennis.. 9. my favorite tv show of all time is the simpsons.. 10. we are both naturists and wish we could lay on the beach naked every day.
Her pic has been posted at one time or another, but it is a red x because she is loading it from her harddrive..that sint correct. She needs to upload it to and then link it here.
please read it all, i know it's a bit long, but you need to read it all to see where i am coming from.
i beleive in creation in the sense that the big bang and spontaneous generation don't make logical sense to me.
i am sure funkyderek and jan will have some fun with me on this one.
But moe, if life is proven to exsist on other planets, this casts doubt on christianity and theism just as the finding of dinosaur bones did, proving life has been on earth for billions of years before man.
Your right, there's a possibility that the bacteria is an earth contaminate. But remmeer, life can exsist in the vacuum of space. So it's not impossible it came from space.
Life at the Limits
The "habitable zone" for terrestrial life is much broader than previously thought. Examples of life at extreme conditions include:
Coldest: -15°C--Crypotendolithotrophs (Antarctica)
Deepest: 2 miles (land)--bacteria found in rocks underground
Most acidic: <pH 0.0--unclassified organisms growing on gypsum in caves
Most basic: pH 11--Alkaliphilic bacteria
Highest radiation: 5 Mrads--Deinococcus radiodurans (ubiquitous)
Longest period in space: 6 years--Bacillus subtilis (Long Duration Exposure Facility)
Farthest: Moon--Humans, Streptococcus mitus from Surveyor III camera after 3 years unprotected on lunar surface
Longest dormancy: 20-40 million years--Bacillus revived from gut of bee in 20-40-million-year-old Dominican amber
Deepest and Highest pressure: 1200 atm--cold seep community at bottom of Marianas Trench
Saltiest: 30%--halophilic bacteria